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Empowering Patients with their Health Record in a Modern Health IT Economy

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy focus on the ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule and how it will benefit the patient and healthcare industry.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “The new rule puts the patients first in terms of health technology.”
    • Vik explains that by putting the patient first in terms of health technology enables the health care industry to give patients transparency into the cost and outcome of their care. The duo go over more benefits of the rule including: giving patients the option to shop around for healthcare, having convenient and reliable access to their medical records, and creating a boom in the app economy.
  • “I think innovation is going to go through the roof for smartphone apps.”
    • Vik elaborates on how the new rule gives room for innovation that developers can take advantage of. It can allow for a patient to choose from a number of apps that specifically caters to their healthcare needs.
  • “It’s going to improve the healthcare service provided to the patient…”
    • Jimmy asks how the new rule could affect clinics. Vik explains that the data will be accessible for everyone to see the outcomes of clinics, which will forces poorer performing clinics to improve their services. Vik and Jimmy discuss potential security and privacy concerns. Vik addresses these by discussing security protocols already used in other industries, such as banking, which can be used also in the healthcare industry.
  • “Is there any pushback to this rule?”
    • Vik explains that the majority of people are for this rule, especially Big Tech(Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon). Jimmy asks Vik about pushback from EHR’s.
  • “We are going to have a lot of apps for providers as well.”
    • Vik states that the innovation from the new rule will not benefit solely patients but providers as well. Healthcare providers will be able to find/transfer patient records with ease.

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Improving the Patient/Provider Telehealth Experience

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech Vik and Jimmy discuss making changes to telehealth and how the ongoing COVID pandemic has pushed telehealth to the forefront in focusing on how to provide the optimal user experience for patients and providers.

Hear is what they discussed:

  • “Telehealth is here to stay.”
    • Jimmy and Vik dive into the importance of telehealth and how the pandemic has created the necessity to improve the field.
  • “If you want your telehealth to be the best, you have to invest in good audio quality…”
    • Jimmy shares how improving audio quality is the most important aspect of providing engaging telehealth. Vik and Jimmy compare the pro’s and con’s of different types of microphones and audio equipment.
  • “Video quality can always be better.”
    • Jimmy recommends getting a dedicated web camera to be one the biggest improvements you can make for telehealth. Vik adds that your internet connection is more important than your video quality, and elaborates on how patients and providers can improve in that area. Jimmy gives his tips on how to improve your rooms at home/office for a better telehealth experience.
  • “How easy was it to schedule my virtual visit?”
    • Vik talks on the necessity for the telehealth system to be seamless. In particular, patients should have an easy and accessible way to make appointments.

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Managing Human Resources during a Pandemic

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy are joined by Tony Welch, Senior VP and Chief Human Resources Office for Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital. Tony discusses the challenges that COVID-19 brings to Human Resources and how his hospital has adapted.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “We  had to tear up our HR manual and start from new.”
    • Tony describes the steps his hospital took to address the growing COVID-19 cases. He goes into detail about how they managed PPE equipment and how his team came up with solutions to help prevent PPE shortages.


  • “You really have to figure out what to do with staffing.”
    • When it came to the staff, Tony reiterates that they didn’t furlough or layoff a single employee. His HR team instead created a labor pool, where staff were re-assigned jobs based on what was needed. The morale of his team stayed positive, and other facilities followed what Phoebe Putney was doing.


  • “What about communication with staff and keeping them updated?”
    • Vik asks Tony how they were able to effectively communicate with staff and keep them updated. Phoebe Putney hospital set up a command center that was manned 17 hours daily. Tony explains that the executive board became very transparent with the staff and the community. Other forms of communication include newsletters and daily videos for staff.


  • “Did you look into any digital tools that could help the staff and the patient in regards to COVID?”
    • Vik asks Tony whether they have intensified their approach to telehealth systems and other digital apps. Tony shares that telehealth has been in the works for a couple years but COVID has definitely accelerated more implementation of telehealth.


  • “Diversity and Inclusion are things that we’ve put on the radar since day one.”
    • With the social unrest currently going on in our country, Jimmy asks Tony what they are doing to address these on-going problems. Tony reiterates that they are looking at every demographic when it comes to their staff, including generational differences.


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Healthcare IT Future Readiness

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy are joined by Laura O’Toole, President of Santa Rosa Consulting Inc. They discuss the current healthcare crisis involving COVID and how to be better prepared for the future.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “Santa Rosa Consulting is a healthcare focused IT consulting business.”
    • Laura introduces herself and talks about Santa Rosa Consulting and the relationship they have with Tido Inc. She discusses recent transitions Santa Rosa Consulting has made and how COVID-19 has impacted them.
  • ” How does your team deal with working remotely all the time?”
    • Vik asks Laura how the shift to the virtual world has impacted Santa Rosa Consulting. Laura discusses cultural changes that had to be made, especially with clients. She then discusses how to promote a healthy work-life balance within the company.
  • “When COVID hit, hospitals were forced to pick a digital system.”
    • Vik comments on how healthcare providers had been talking about implementing digital systems for years and how COVID-19 forced them to pick a solution. Laura discusses the rapid transformation to digital that has occurred because of COVID within the last 4-5 months.
  • “Whether it’s testing, integration or smart technology, we have to help our clients get up to speed so that they can help their patients safely and efficiently.”
    • Vik and Laura discuss making sure that their clients are adapting well to the digital transformation. Vik elaborates on taking advantage of cloud infrastructure and using tools such as machine learning, AI, and mobile apps to help the telehealth process for clients and patients.
  • “This becomes about patient engagement, and really making yourself a chameleon as a provider, so that you change your colors based on who you’re engaging with.”
    • Laura makes a great analogy when it comes to the provider needing to adapt to each patients individual technical skills.
  • “For emergency preparedness, what are some of the tools clients should be looking at?”
    • Laura and Vik talk bout how important a robust Intranet is for the healthcare provider. Laura talks on how having a good test automation system can help providers be ready for the next crisis.

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Santa Rosa Consulting:

Santa Rosa Consulting

Ensuring Privacy and Security in the New Normal

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy discuss the current pandemic and it’s affects on security and privacy.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “Healthcare providers were already working on digital systems before COVID, and now that its here, its here to stay.”
    • Digital systems were already being developed and used by healthcare providers, but the pandemic accelerated the implementation. Jimmy talks about how other industries have already relied on digital solutions, such as the fitness industry.
  • “What about the security and privacy concerns of all these new digital apps?”
    • Jimmy asks Vik how countries and companies are delivering secure and private data transfers. Vik gives an example of privacy and security concerns in Norway relating to tracing apps.
  • “Since everyone is working from home, the risk factor is so much higher…”
    • As more and more people work from home, it creates a larger opportunity for hackers to access private data. Vik gives a few examples on how data is breached, with phishing emails being the most common type of exploit.
  • “With new digital tools/apps, you do need to constantly make sure everything is working with no holes, and that’s where test automation comes in.”
    • With the increase in new digital apps, there is also an increase in test automation for new digital systems. Vik explains the importance of test automation when rolling out new digital tools, especially in regards to client/patient security and privacy.
  • “Related to privacy and security, I think disaster recovery is another key aspect.”
    • Vik discusses the importance of having a plan in case crucial team members are not able to work. Other things to consider include having proper documentation and proper communication amongst the organization.
  • “A lot of healthcare providers are moving over to the cloud. Is there any risk in this transition?”
    • As more and more organizations migrate to cloud-based services, Jimmy asks Vik the risk of such a large move. Vik explains how having a smart integration system will help in making sure all data is secure.

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Healthcare Disruption with Big Tech

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy are joined by Unmesh Srivastava, CTO of P3 Health Partners. They discuss the role of Big Tech in healthcare.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “Our secret sauce is the data enablement and our care-model.”
    • Unmesh introduces P3 Health Partners, a health population management group. P3 Health Partners utilizes their care-delivery network to provide the best patient/provider experience.
  • “Healthcare is changing, and it’s changing really really quick.”
    • COVID has changed the landscape of healthcare forever. Unmesh comments on Big Tech starting to enter the healthcare industry and how they can be the disruption that the industry needs.
  • “This is one industry(healthcare) that needs to be disrupted by tech, data, policies and more transparency.”
    • Jimmy asks why Big Tech is starting to enter the industry. Unmesh comments that they biggest problem in America is the current healthcare system. As Big Tech enters the market, they can start to alleviate some problems, just as Big Tech did in other sectors such as transportation.
  • “To hold us true to P3’s promise of care, data is the only currency that is going to make it work.”
    • Data is the bedrock layer of any organization, as commented by Unmesh. Vik asks about P3’s digital strategy and Unmesh goes into detail about P3 Data Fabric. Vik mentions a similar strategy that Tido Inc implements called Smart Integration.
  • “How can you police Big Tech without actually having rules they need to follow?”
    • Vik questions the regulations surrounding Big Tech as the enter the healthcare market. Unmesh discusses that policies, compliance and governance need to be in place. Jimmy makes a point about regulations and policies being the reason why the healthcare industry is so behind other industries in terms of digital transformation.
  • “The future of healthcare is going to be less episodic and more continuous virtual care.”
    • The trio discuss where the future of healthcare can go. Vik brings up body chips and wearables. Unmesh believes that the future will bring in a more constantly monitored based system for healthcare.

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Digital Healthcare Strategy and COVID-19 challenges

In this episode of This Week In Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy are joined by John Marchica, CEO of Darwin Research, where they discuss the challenges put forth by COVID-19.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “With the research your company does, are you seeing any trends related to COVID-19?”
    • The group discuss the current pandemic and the effect its had on Arizona and Vik then asks if Darwin Research has seen and trends with the research they conduct. John comments that because of the fluidity of COVID, it is difficult to predict what the future holds.
  • “The research suggests that Telehealth is here to stay.”
    • Telehealth has finally emerged because of the pandemic, and Vik ponders if it’s here to stay for good. John comments that the research suggest Telehealth is here to stay but currently many are band-aid solutions.
  • “What does the research say about a future COVID-19 vaccine?”
    • John highlights the research involved in developing a new vaccine, and the group discuss when the vaccine will potentially be available.
  • “It’s amazing to see how rapidly the digital transformation is being implemented.”
    • Vik highlights the process of treating COVID-19 as another service line as seen by Tido’s integration and web teams, and how the intake of patients happens starting from scheduling, pre-registering, and paying online is being streamlined.
  • “Everyone will have to invest in this(digital integration) because its going to save them money at the end of the day.”
    • The transition to all digital is inevitable, and COVID certainly accelerated the process. Vik goes into detail on why health providers needs to transition to digital sooner than later.

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Patient Engagement and Digital Strategy During a Pandemic

In this episode of This Week In Health Tech, Jimmy and Vik are joined by Alan Shoebridge, Director of Marketing for Salinas Valley Memorial Health System. The trio discuss implementing digital strategy during the current pandemic.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “We started the podcast because we wanted a better way to get the message out.”
    • With the rising number of cases, Alan and SVMH created a podcast to get the word out on COVID-19. The trio discuss why cases are rising and what needs to be done to slow it down.
  • “What are some of the strategies that healthcare providers can implement to inform the general public about the pandemic?
    • Jimmy asks Alan what providers are doing to put patients minds at ease. Alan elaborates on strategies that hospitals have implemented, including working together to deliver one strong message.
  •  “Let’s talk how you pivoted your digital strategy now that COVID is here.”
    • COVID has definitely accelerated digital transformation in the health space. Alan elaborates on pre-COVID digital strategies vs digital strategies today. Some challenges that Alan talks about include accessibility, in particular with different languages and differences in tech comfortability.
  • “What are your thoughts on the marketing and information being sent out during this time?”
    • Alan describes what good marketing and strategy looks like when dealing with patient engagement. Vik adds on that mobile services are one area that providers can shift their strategy towards.

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Salina Valley Health Care System:

COVID-19 Tech Trends

In this episode of This Week In Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy go over the Top COVID-19 Health Tech trends.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “Are health systems going to say: You know what, employees working from home is a good thing.”
    • Jimmy asks Vik about the longevity on people working from home and if there is a financial benefit for employees to work from home.
  • “It seems like diagnostic testing is going beyond COVID-19.”
    • Vik questions if real-time diagnostic testing will gain traction and expand beyond COVID-19 testing. Jimmy talks about how drive-thru testing is a more convenient approach and .
  • “Automation will lead to more jobs, especially in tech.”
    • Vik agrees that automation is a trend that will continue into the future. As Vik stated, humans are very good at adapting. Jimmy agrees with Vik’s assessment on automation, but has reserves concerning robots taking peoples jobs.
  • “Telehealth has increased over 1000%.”
    • Telehealth is something that health providers have been trying to implement for a little while, and COVID has certainly accelerated that process. Vik believes that the use of virtual visits and Telehealth can only grow and is definitely a trend that is here to stay. Jimmy, however, still believes in the value of in-person appointments.
  • “Data-sharing is good, especially for research, and I hope it’s a trend that stays.”
    • The duo discuss the applications of data-sharing. Vik believes there is a lot of importance in data-collaboration. Jimmy brings up his main concern over data-sharing, privacy.

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