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How to deal with Expectations for Digital Apps and increase access to On-Demand Care

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy are joined by Shelby Sanderford, CEO of Docpace. The trio discuss changes happening in healthcare, focusing on digital transformation and on-demand care.

Here is what they discussed:

  • “What is Docpace?”
    • Vik and Shelby start off the episode talking about how they each got into health tech. Shelby then discusses her company Docpace. Docpace is an A.I. system that increases the productivity of your office while keeping patients updated on appointment times including delays.
  • “In the past few years, what changes have you seen in the healthcare space?”
    • The group discuss how health tech has changed over the years. Shelby talks on the changes she’s seen, including health providers switching to electronic health records and applications. During the pandemic, the acceptance of these digital apps has really become a necessity. Vik agrees with Shelby, adding that there is an increased expectation from patients to use digital apps for personal healthcare.
  • “During the pandemic, what kept you going and believing in what you were doing?”
    •  Shelby talks on how she comes to find problems and addresses them. By putting herself in patients shoes, she is able to realize what issues need to be fixed. The biggest motivation to keep going was realizing that a problem did exist and that there was a simple solution that could reduce patient wait times and waiting room challenges.
  • “Why can’t healthcare be on-demand?”
    • Vik poses the question and wonders why healthcare is so far behind other industries when it comes to on-demand services. Pre COVID, most patients and providers were okay with the status quo. However post COVID, the shift towards digital transformation has created expectations for patients when it comes to personal healthcare. Shelby adds that healthcare is shifting to a more proactive care approach over reactive care.
  •  “What kind of challenges have you seen?”
    • As with all new technology, there can be several obstacles and challenges to overcome. Vik asks Shelby about some the initial challenges Docpace had to deal with. Shelby talks on challenges with EHR integration and having to first completely understand the systems in already in place. Another challenge the group discuss deals with making sure that healthcare providers across the board are on the same page. The fragmentation in healthcare is gradually going away, and FHIR APIs will play a crucial role in reducing fragmentation in healthcare.
  • “How do you use A.I. to address patients needs?”
    • Vik and Shelby discuss the pro’s and con’s of using A.I. in healthcare. A lot of times, A.I. functionality is a black box in the sense that you really don’t know what is going on behind the scenes. Shelby discusses how Docpace uses A.I. to improve the patient waiting room experience.

Listen to the full episode:

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